Honor Legion of the Order of St. Sebastian

Congratulations to our Founder and Past Commander, Joe Farina – A 2016 recipient of the Honor Legion of the Order of St. Sebastian award.  The Catholic War Veteran’s highest honor.  There isn’t enough room on the entire World Wide Web to list all the things he’s done over the years.  Suffice it to say that this is long overdue and well-deserved.  And he’s still not done.  He continues to be the most active and enthusiastic member of our Post.

 State Cmdr. Dave Crum presents Joe with the certificate.
Orange County Executive Steven Neuhaus presented Joe with a congratulatory certificate on behalf of the County.
Joe holds up the Orange County Executive’s certificate.
(Click to see the entire picture)
Richie Lay, Joe and Cmdr. Robert Schiela.  Richie and Bob submitted the resume and letters of recommendation for Joe to receive this award.
Just some of Post 386 members in attendance.
Fr. McLaughlin places the Honor Legion medal on Joe.
Joe addresses the crowd to offer his humble thanks for this prestigious award.
Post Cmdr. Robert Schiela, State Cmdr. Dave Crum, Joe,
Fr. McLaughlin and State 1st Vice Cmdr. Bruce Lubkeman.
No event would be complete without the beautiful voice of our own MSgt. Mary Kay Messenger.  Her renditions of Amazing Grace and God Bless America bring joy to every function.
Behind every great man, there’s an even greater woman.