Warrior Wagon – Veterans Recognition Project
Some of us who missed it last year were honored to be a part of the Veterans Recognition Project and ride the Warrior Wagon up at the Dutchess County Fair in Rhinebeck, NY. Mr. Frank Castella, Sr. is the host and founder of this ongoing project to show his appreciation to U.S. Veterans. We thank you, Mr. Castella for your dedication and support on behalf of all Veterans.
The Warrior Wagon – built and driven by Mr. Frank Castella, Sr. of Pleasant Valley, NY.
On display at the Warrior Wagon tent, we found a picture of our group from last year.
The magnificent horses that pull the Warrior Wagon.
We watch as Frank Castella backs the Warrior Wagon back under the tent. Wish we could back our cars up with as much precision.
Cmdr. Robert Schiela presents a donation from Post 386 to help the Warrior Wagon continue its mission.
Members of Post 386 pose in front of the Warrior Wagon.
Last year, twelve members of Post 386 were honored at the 170th annual Dutchess County Fair in Rhinebeck, NY. Some pictures from our first ride aboard the Warrior Wagon.
Some of our members arriving at the Dutchess County Fair.
Cmdr. Jim Peloso, Joseph Farina, Frank Castella Sr. and 1st Vice Cmdr. Robert Schiela.
Just before boarding The Warrior Wagon.
Here’s a close-up shot of us.
Joseph Farina, Jim Peloso and Bob Schiela lead the way onto the Warrior Wagon.
Joe jumps into the front seat with our host Frank Castella and Frank’s grandson.
Every veteran that rides the Warrior Wagon receives this beautiful medallion, courtesy of Frank Castella Sr.
The flip side of the medallion has the seals of the five branches of service.