Gen. Montgomery Day Parade
Saturday, September 10th, we once again participated in the Gen. Montgomery Day Parade. Kind of a hot day, but the crowd was enthusiastic and made us feel good.
This has always been a wonderful parade to be a part of.
Just before the start of the parade.
Commander Robert Schiela being driven by his son-in-law Brian Casale and guarded in the back seat by his grandson Brayden.
Our World War II Veterans Rocco Panella and Joe Farina driven by Anthony Groff.
Frank Biasini, Alfred Hill and Public Affairs Officer Jim Formato driven by Greg Gaetano.
Some Pictures From the 2015 Parade
Sept. 12, 2015 Post 386 marched in the parade. Photos courtesy of Jim Formato, Jim Peloso and Heather Casale. Click on any of the pictures below to get an enlarged view.
Round-up at the high school awaiting transport to the parade starting point.
The MacLeods of Cornwall were right in front of us this year. Our thanks to you for helping to keep us in step.
What’s Joe doing? Calling in an air strike?
Why you old dog, you!
How come Joe always gets the girl?
Joe Farina with members of the MacLeods of Cornwall.
Joe calls them “my band”.
Post 386 mugging for the camera.
Places everyone, we’ll be stepping off soon.
The MacLeods of Cornwall Drum Major, Declan Quinn gives us some last minute instructions. “OK guys, keep in step…don’t make me come back there!”
And away we go.
Post 386 looking sharp.
Honor Guard Squad Leader, Ray Lopez.
Commander-Elect, Bob Schiela
One of the other floats in the parade.
Looking down the parade route.
Some Pictures From the 2014 Parade
Here’s a picture from the 2013 parade.